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时间:2022-09-28 22:40来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  电力安全  风险体验装置  泓格模块  组态王软件


Title    Design of experience device for electric power safety distribution network                   

Abstract Safety is the first to survive,Power safety is the most important in the electric power industry。 Although the power industry increased investment of electric power safety,but in the actual operation process, the accident caused by false operation still occured frequently, the seriousness of the consequences of the accident also let people terrified。 In order to reduce the unnecessary loss caused by the operator's fault, the electric power safety distribution network experience device has played a certain role in preventing the loss。

The design of the power distribution network security device experience is a risk experience system based on Kingview。 It is enough for the power system line operators to provide a good simulation environment, through the operation of a variety of risk point of the scene, so that the operator's safety awareness and operational skills have a great improvement。 Through two aspects of hardware and software design, to achieve the simulation of the various risk points, after testing in the laboratory to achieve the desired results。

Keywords  Electric power safety  Risk experience device  DAS  Module  Kingview

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  课题研究的背景和意义 1

1。2  安全配网体验国内外研究水平综述 2

1。3  电力安全配网体验装置软硬件设计需求 3

1。3。1  10kV开关柜运行转检修科目 3

1。3。2  10kV开关柜检修转运行科目 4

1。4  课题的主要工作任务 4

2  电力安全配网体验装置总体设计 6

2。1  装置系统概述 6

2。2  系统总体结构 7

2。2。1  有线分布式组网结构 7

2。2。2  无线分布式组网结构 8

2。3  系统功能综述 9

3  电力安全配网体验装置硬件设计 11

3。1  硬件电路主要器件介绍 11

3。2  泓格模块介绍 12

3。2。1  I-7520转换模块 12

3。2。2  I-7065D继电器模块 电力安全配网体验装置设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_99880.html
