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时间:2023-03-09 22:37来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  氧化铝泡沫陶瓷  添加造孔剂法  石墨 


Title         The Preparation Techniques and Research of Alumina Ceramic Foam                     

Abstract Ceramic foam tends to enjoy a bright and promising future after researching and developing for decades before。 And in the whole manufacturing and application part, this technology is currently much more refined。 Contemporary ceramic foam applied industrially is generally manufactured through organic-template dipping。 Considering the complicated operations and limits of products shapes and secondary pulping, in this paper, we carry out the experiments by addition of pore-forming agent, which is simplified to operate theoretically。 And the details are given thoroughly in the paper below。 After preparing the ceramic foam, we apply SEM, XRD, Multi-functional force testing machine and TG to characterize and test the material。 And turns out, foam ceramic is composed of small amounts of mullite phase and main phase composition, alumina。 Consequently, TG of carbon forms reaches the peak at the temperature of 800℃, which produce CO2 in the process。 Therefore,terminating the continual heating is bound to volatilize the gas form in the carrier。 The effect of graphite as pore forming agent on the porosity of ceramic foam is the more weight fraction, the greater the porosity of the ceramic, but the strength of the matrix will decrease greatly。 

Keywords  Alumina Ceramic Foam  Foaming  Pore-forming agent  Graphite 

目   次

  1  引言 1

  1。1  氧化铝的性能及其行业前景 2

  1。2  泡沫陶瓷的应用 2

  1。3  泡沫陶瓷的研究背景及国内外如今的研究状况 5

  1。4  泡沫陶瓷的性能系数和评价指标 6 

  1。5  氧化铝泡沫陶瓷的增韧机制 7源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

  1。6  泡沫陶瓷的制备工艺 8

  2  实验方法 9

2。1实验所用原料及器械  9

2。2  实验工艺流程 10

3  实验表征及结果分析12

3。1  XRD分析12

3。2  SEM分析和显微表面组织观察13

3。3  密度(气孔率)15

3。4  抗压强度16

结论 18

致谢 19


1  引言

    二十世纪以来,陶瓷材料愈发得到来自科学界的高度重视,而人们趋向于将20世纪中后期科学研究涌现出的陶瓷材料称为新型陶瓷,现阶段新型陶瓷材料被受业界关注。陶瓷材料在不同工况下可得到不同优异性能的应用,这一点和金属材料很相像。这两种材料在应用方面可以互相弥补优劣性,这也形成了陶瓷材料-金属材料构成复合材料的设计和发展。既增强了金属材料的延展、韧性、导电导热的能力,也同时兼具陶瓷材料的高弹性模量、硬度高、耐腐蚀磨损和导热性好等优良性能。 氧化铝泡沫陶瓷的制备及性能研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_146263.html
