毕业论文关键词 装甲钢 焊接 有限元模拟 复合热源 搅拌摩擦焊
Title Finite element simulation of armor steel TIG and friction stir composite heat welding。
Abstract This article is to simulate armor steel TIG and friction stir composite heat welding,we use ANSYS software to simulate the experiment,we use the 616 armor steel, the size of the steel is 100×50×2mm。Because of the particularity of armor steel welding,we choose TIG heat to preheat the steel,the temperature is 200℃,then we use the friction stir heat。 We want to study the impact of the current and the rotational speed’s changes to the welding of the armor steel。We have six different sets of parameters,we keep the welding voltage 10V,the welding speed 45mm/min,and we change the welding current(30A,45A,60A),the rotational speed(800rpm,1000rpm) to compare。We model and mesh in the ANSYS software,then load the heat source,at last,we obtain the results by post-processing,the results is displayed graphically。After analysis,we know that the best parameters to the welding is that the current is 30A,and the rotaional speed is 1000rpm。源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Keywords armor steel welding finite element simulation compound heat source FSW
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1选题背景 1
1。2装甲钢的特性 1
1。2。1装甲钢的特性及应用 1
1。2。2装甲钢常见的焊接方法 2
1。2。3装甲钢的焊接特点 2
1。3搅拌摩擦焊的发展概述 2
1。4复合热源的选择 3
1。5焊接数值模拟的发展概况 4
1。6本课题的主要研究内容 5
2 焊接过程的有限元分析理论 5
2。1有限元分析法 5
2。1。1有限元模拟软件概述 5
2。1。2ANSYS软件的基础 6
2。2焊接过程温度场的模拟方法 6
3 装甲钢TIG+搅拌摩擦复合热源焊接过程温度场模拟 7
3。1装甲钢TIG+搅拌摩擦复合热源焊接工艺特点 ANSYS装甲钢TIG+搅拌摩擦复合热源焊接过程有限元模拟:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_149323.html