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时间:2024-06-05 22:20来源:95539



Abstract:Double cable GMAW is a double-wire GMAW developed on the basis of energy-saving, efficient and high-quality welding methods.Based on the conventional fluid mechanics software FLUENT, the numerical simulation of double cable GMAW arc behavior is carried out and verified by high speed camera system.Firstly, the numerical analysis model of double cable GMAW arc is established. The influence of current, protection gas flow and double wire spacing on the arc temperature field, velocity field and pressure field are investigated.The results show that the arc temperature field, velocity field and pressure field increase in the double cable GMAW when the welding current increases, but the maximum temperature, velocity and pressure field of the arc are lower than that of the double wire GMAW.When the shielding gas flow increases, unlike the double wire GMAW arc temperature, plasma velocity and arc pressure show the first increase and then reduce the trend of double cable welding arc shape relative to the double wire in the middle of the arc contraction.When the distance between the double wire increases, the maximum temperature of the arc in the double cable welding wire GMAW is not obvious, but it has a great influence on the arc shape. The velocity field and the pressure field are gradually smaller with the increase of the double wire spacing. Experimental results show that the high-speed camera system is used to photograph the double-cable arc, and the results are found to be similar to the simulation results, which proves the rationality of the model.

Key words: Double wire GMAW, Double cable type GMAW, Arc behavior, Numerical analysis


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1缆式焊丝研究现状 2

1.2.2双丝焊国内外研究现状 3

1.3主要研究内容 5

第二章FLUENT软件介绍和数值分析 6

2.1FLUENT软件介绍 6

2.1.1FLUENT软件的构成 7

2.1.2求解计算 7

2.2GMAW数值分析模型 9

2.2.1基本假设及控制方程 9

2.2.2双缆式焊丝GMAW电弧数值模型建立 11

2.2.3电弧模型的网格划分 FLUENT双缆式GMAW焊接电弧行为研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204127.html
