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时间:2024-10-08 22:28来源:97770
本文主要对一模八腔的塑料模具填充过程展开了模拟,根据不同的速度设置,进 行模拟。

摘 要:在塑料模具中,毫无疑问采用多型腔成型不但可以降低生产成本,而且能够提高 生产效率,因此多型腔技术需要不断改进与研究。在现代化生产过程中,人们也逐渐 认识到浇筑系统的平衡在注射过程中的重要性。对于平衡式浇筑系统,习惯上因其所 有流道分支的长度相等和截面形状对称而一直被认为能提供最合适的自然平衡,传统 概念认为只要各个型腔能够同时充满即为流动平衡,实际上各个型腔在整个过程中具 备相同的成型条件和熔体性质才是才是真正意义上的平衡流动。

本文首先应用 moldflow 软件对一模八腔的平衡式流道开展模拟研究,其结果显示, 对于几何尺寸完全对称的平衡式浇筑系统,在填充的过程中并不能够实现严格意义上 的平衡式填充,因为严格上讲浇筑系统的平衡式填充要求熔体必须能够以相同的压力 与温度同时充满各个型腔。因此,为了得到物理性能良好,制件尺寸均匀的高质量制 件,必须应用合理而富有创造性的技术低模具型腔中的熔体流动进行改善,以达到优 化模具的现实意义,本文应用了熔体旋转技术,通过在分流道中加入内部嵌件,使多 型腔的浇筑系统填充得到了些许改善。

关键词:moldflow 软件;一模八腔;熔体旋转技术


In the plastic mold, there is no doubt that the multi cavity molding can not only reduce the production cost, but also can improve the production efficiency, so the multi cavity technology needs continuous improvement and research. In the modern production process, people have gradually realized the importance of pouring system balance in the injection process. The balanced placement system, habit because of all the branch channel is equal to the length and shape of symmetry has been considered to provide the most appropriate balance of nature, the traditional concept that as long as each cavity can also fill is flow balance, in fact each cavity in the whole process with forming conditions and melt properties is the same A balanced flow in the real sense

This paper applied the Moldflow software to carry out simulation research on balanced runner the first mock exam eight cavity, the results show that for a balanced geometry placement system is completely symmetrical, is not able to achieve balance in the strict sense of filling in the filling process, because the balance about pouring system strictly on melt filling requirements must be able to pressure and temperature is the same with each cavity. Therefore, in order to get good physical properties, high quality product size uniform, must improve the technology of low melt flow mold cavity application reasonable and creative in, in order to achieve the practical significance of optimizing the mold, this should be With the use of melt rotation technology, the filling system of multi cavity has been improved a little.

Keywords: Moldflow software ; the first mock exam ; eight cavity melt spinning technology


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 塑料的常用加工方法 1

1.2 国内外对多型腔注塑成型中流动平衡性的研究概况 2

1.2.1 平衡浇注系统的平衡性 2

1.2.2 熔体旋转技术的发展情况 3

1.2.3 控制模具的熔体流动的熔体单轴旋转技术 4

1.2.4 模具优化的常用方法 5

1.3 课题研究的意义和主要内容 7

1.3.1 课题研究的目的和意义 7

1.3.2 课题的主要工作 moldflow具有旋转功能的注射模具设计及优化:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204799.html
