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Load and Resistance Factor Calibration For Wood Bridges
Abstract: The paper presents the calibration procedure and background data for the development of design code provisions for wood bridges. The structural types considered include sawn lumber stringers, glued-laminated girders, and various wood deck types. Load and resistance parameters are treated as random variables, and therefore, the structural performance is measured in terms of the reliability index. The statistical parameters of dead load and live traffic load, are based on the results of previous studies. Material resistance is taken from the available test data, which includes consideration of the post-elastic response. The resistance of components and structural systems is based on the available experimental data and finite element analysis results. Statistical parameters of resistance are computed for deck and girder subsystems as well as inpidual components. The reliability analysis was performed for wood bridges designed according to the AASHTO Standard Specifications and a significant variation in reliability indices was observed. The recommended load and resistance factors are provided that result in consistent levels of reliability at the target levels.
CE Database subject headings: Bridges, wooden; Calibration; Load and Resistance Factor; Design; Bridge decks.
In 1993 AASHTO adopted a new load and resistance factor design (LRFD) code for highway bridges. The new code provides a rational basis for the design of steel and concrete structures.Although wood bridge design was also included in LRFD format,the calibration was not carried out for these structures (Nowak 1995, 1999). Therefore, there was a concern about the consistency of the reliability level for wood structures.
Previous studies showed that the reliability index for wood bridge components can be significantly different than for steel or concrete structures (Nowak 1991). The degree of variation for wood properties varies depending on dimensions, load duration,moisture content, and other parameters. In case of wood bridges,it is important to consider the structural system or subsystem as well as inpidual elements/components. 对木桥的负载和阻力系数的校准英文文献和中文翻译(8):