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时间:2023-12-30 21:21来源:毕业论文

摘  要:共同犯罪的定义为二人以上共同故意犯罪,即可以理解为二人以上共同故意的犯罪,但并没有法条对故意的意思通谋列出具体详细的标准,学术界对此有诸多看法,并且形成了几个主流意见。然而面对一些特殊情况时,例如不负刑事责任人与普通人“共同犯罪”、一果多因等现象,几个主流意见对于案件同故意的认定并不相同。本文通过一些较为特殊的案件,得出在特殊情况下共同犯罪故意的认定结论并认为在具体操作中应当采取违法层面的共犯理论,能够起到简化办案流程和保障结论公平公正的作用,以便在未来的司法过程中能够更加适合的应对复杂情况下共同犯罪故意的认定。92426


The joint intention of joint crime

Abstract: The definition of joint crime is a crime committed by two or more persons, which can be understood as a crime committed by more than two people。 But there is no law to list specific detailed standards about intentional connection。 The academic community has a lot of views, and they form several mainstream views。 However, several mainstream opinion in the case of the joint intent is not the same in some special situations, such as the person who is responsible for the crime and the ordinary person to commit a crime together and one result because of many reasons。 In this paper, the conclusion is drawn in the special case of joint crime intent through a number of special cases, and that in the specific operation should be taken at the level of accomplice theory in the aspect of illegality。 It can play a role in simplifying the handling process and ensuring fair and impartial conclusion to be more suitable for the future judicial process and to deal with the crime of complicity in complex circumstances。

Key Words: intentional connection; joint crime; joint intention

目  录

引言 1

一、共同犯罪的概念 1

二、主客观相统一的共犯理论与违法层面的共犯理论 1

(一)主客观相统一的共犯理论 1

(二)违法层面的共犯理论 2

(三)主客观相统一的共犯理论与违法层面的共犯理论的比较 2

三、特殊情况下共同犯罪故意的认定 4

(一)不负刑事责任人与普通人的共同犯罪 4

(二)“一果多因” 5

(三)身份犯共同犯罪 6

(四)追加故意 6

四、结语 7

参考文献 8

致  谢: 9

引言源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766

共同犯罪在刑法第25条第一款中规定为二人以上共同故意犯罪,但并没有法条对故意的意思通谋列出具体详细的标准。传统四要件在主客观方面、主体、客体上做出范围限定,但在两阶层理论出台后,对于犯罪主观方面的犯罪故意的认定开始引起争议,在少数案件中甚至出现用2种理论推导出不同结果的现象。本文将讨论在一些特殊情况下,例如:不负刑事责任人与普通人“共同犯罪”、一果多因,能否认定多个行为人是共同犯罪、存在共同故意的问题。可以从四要件与两阶层两个方面对共同犯罪的共同故意加以探讨,在一些较为特殊的案件中通过比较二者得出在特殊情况下共同犯罪故意的认定结论并提出一些建议,在未来的司法过程中更加适合的应对。 论特殊情况下共同犯罪故意的认定:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_200095.html
