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时间:2023-02-19 16:15来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:结构设计  建筑设计  框架结构  塑性绞线法  分层法  D值法


Title    Architectural  and  Structural  Design  of  a  Postgraduate  dormitory               

Abstract The graduation project is the architectural and structural design of a university postgraduate dormitory in Zhenjiang。 Architectural design is completed graphic design 1 to 6 floors, South and east facade design, as well as a cross-sectional design of the two main entrances, and draw the corresponding construction drawings 。Structural design is completed with a layer of floor structural design, structural design of typical frame, based on structural design and structural design of a main staircase, and draw the corresponding construction drawing。 Also,in structural design, two-way slab calculated with plastic strand method。 The internal forces of frame under vertical load calculated with layered method, under horizontal earthquake calculated with D value method。 Meanwhile, the frame under vertical dead load is checked by software PKPM, and the errors of hand calculation are counted and analyzed。

Keywords: Architectural design Structural design  Frame structure Plastic-strand method D-value method

目   次

1  工程概况 1From+优 尔-论+文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018`766

2  建筑设计 2

2。1  平面设计 2

2。2  剖面和立面设计 4

3  结构设计概述 6

4  楼盖设计 8

4。1  设计参数 8

4。2  结构布置 8

4。3  结构构件确定 8

4。4  板的设计 9

4。4。1  弯矩计算 10

4。4。2  截面设计 11

4。5  次梁设计 15

5  框架设计 18

5。1  截面尺寸 18

5。2  设计参数 19

5。3  荷载计算 19

5。3。1  竖向荷载 19

5。3。2  集中荷载计算 20

5。3。3  活载计算 21

5。4  水平地震作用 23

5。4  内力计算 27

5。4。1  竖向荷载作用下框架内力 27 镇江京口某大学研究生宿舍楼建筑和结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_140228.html
