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时间:2023-02-19 16:13来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  基坑支护   灌注桩   重力式水泥土墙   井点降水


Title    A Residential Area foundation pit supporting design                                         

Abstract With the development of science and technology, people's living standards are continuously rising and people attach more attention to housing security than ever before。 Thus, the construction industry,taking this tide, develops in a rapid pace。 For high-rise buildings, excavation retaining project is particularly important, and its requirements also improve as people pay more attention to it。 In order to build a safer excavation maintenance, engineering and technical personnel must stand on a new height to study excavation retaining and innovate new support methods。 How to design a safer, more rational and more economical foundation bracing program has become a common topic in the world construction industry。 Therefore, this article uses Cast-in-place pile support and Gravity cement wall support to provide appropriate support。 To build a cast-in-place pile design, this article first calculates the earth pressure, support forces and maximum bending moment of supporting piles, and then reinforces the pile,and finally runs stability computations。 As for Gravity Cement walls design, this article first  calculates the earth pressure,and then checking the stability of cement walls, and finally check the normal section stresses。 After that, the article uses Lizheng software computing system  to verify whether the supports meet those requirements。 Through this particular excavation design and computation, I learned and sort out the relative knowledge。

Keywords  Retaining and protecting for foundation excavation  Cast-in-situ bored pile  Gravity Cement walls  Well point dewatering

目   次

1  绪论 1源-于,优~尔^论=文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520~18766

1。1  拟建工程概况 1

1。2  区域气象、气候条件 1

1。3  地形、地貌及环境条件 2

1。4  地基土的构成、分布及特征分析 2

1。5  设计参数 3

1。6  设计思路及方案选择 3

2  支护结构设计与计算 5

2。1  AB段钻孔灌注桩加内支撑,以5为计算点 5
