
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-04-25 21:51来源:95222




Abstract:Tianjin Port is an important integrated port in the north of China, it has geographical advantages, developed traffic and the development of the Tianjin Port is extremely rapid. With the increasing emphasis on environmental protection issues, in order to improve the working environment of the northern port area of coal operations, to adapt to the development of the port, it is proposed to build 50,000 tons of non-metallic ore wharf in the southern port area. The completion of the terminal also means the birth of a modern energy bulk base.

The graduation design mainly done the following work: first through the library and the Internet and other channels to collect some information, including geological data, hydrological data and the port of the current operating conditions. Then I sort out and analyze the collected data, determine the structure of the terminal preliminarily .It could be high pile terminal which has plate beam .Also, the layout and structural dimensions of the wharf were carried out. Finally, I do the internal force calculation and verification, including panel design, stringer design, beam design, pile design and ship component design. In the calculation and verification process, I use the engineering software for calculation and checking.

Keywords: Tianjin Port;Nonmetallic ore;High pile terminal;Structural design; Internal force calculation and checking


摘要 I

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 设计资料 2

2.1气象条件 2

2.1.1气温 2

2.1.2降水 2

2.1.3风 2

2.1.4雷暴 2

2.1.5雾 2

2.1.6相对湿度 2

2.2水文条件 3

2.2.1设计水位 3

2.2.2设计波浪 3

2.2.3设计风速及设计水流流速 3

2.3地质条件 3

2.4地震条件 3

2.5荷载 3

第三章 平面布置 4

3.1设计船型 4

3.2总体尺寸 4

3.2.1码头泊位 4

3.2.2航道尺度设计 天津港南疆5万吨非金属矿石码头设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203539.html
