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时间:2024-05-08 21:27来源:95321





关键词:上海港集装箱 高桩码头 平面布置 结构设计 配筋计算

Abstract:With the rapid development of Shanghai, the demand for container terminals is growing, in order to meet the increasing demand for container throughput, it is necessary in the Waigaoqiao area to build container-specific berths. Considering the geological and hydrological conditions of the harbor, the upper foundation of the Waigaoqiao area is weak (silt clay or silty clay) and there is a hard holding layer at the proper depth of the foundation.

The design includes the layout of the pier, the design and calculation of the beam plate, checking and reinforcement, pile, pile cap and ship component calculation.

The layout of the pier should take into account the convenience of the ship berthing and handling and the ease of use and management. The design of the project is to design the design, including the design of the panel, the stringer and the beam, the stability of the pile and the calculation of the bearing capacity, the calculation of the pile cap, the selection of the terminal facilities and the calculation of the ship component design. In the process, the use of stringers and beams are easy to use software for modeling calculations, the rest of the calculation of all hands to complete.

After the completion of the design task, it is necessary to draw the overall plan, structure form, structure construction drawing, foundation drawing and anti-red equipment of the fifth phase container terminal of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Port area in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Port Phase 5 Container Terminal Cable column and other structural map.

Key words:Shanghai port; Container; High-piled Wharf; layout Plane; Structural design; Reinforcement calculation


第一章 上海港概述 1

1.1上海集装箱港口发展形式[1] 1

1.2上海港集装箱吞吐量发展规模[2] 2

1.3外高桥港区的选址特点[2] 3

第二章 设计资料 4

2.1气象 4

2.2水文 6

2.3地质[4] 8

2.4通航水深 11

2.5设计船型 11

第三章 上海外高桥港区五期集装箱码头结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203707.html
