Abstract:In recent years, bulk cargo througout in Shanghai port has continued to rise. As the exsiting operational capacity of port to transship bulk cargo reaches its upper limit, new port should be expanded to relieve the operational pressure. This desigh is located in Shanghai Hengsha deep water port and a customized quay berth for bulk cargo is going to be build there. Local geological data shows that the soil is soft, so the wharf structure takes the form of high-piled beam-slab wharf. The whole design of the wharf includes the determination of berth parameters, the layout of the wharf, the selection of rubber fender and the design of the terminal panel, the longitudinal beam, the cross beam, the pile cap, the berthing members,etc. The structural design, the reinforcement calculation, crack resisting calculation, and the Cutting resistance calculation are in strict accordance with the norms including Design and Construction Code of High-piled Whar, Concrete Structure Design in Water Transport Engineering, Static Caculation Manual of Architrcture Structur,etc. In addition to the satisfaction of the check conditions, the actual construction condition of the project and the professional knowledge acquired in colledge should be utilized to gurantee the reasonability of the design.
Keywords: Bulk cargo;High-piled wharf;Plane layout;Structural design; Calculation;Check
第一章 绪论 1
1.2横沙港区选址优势与定位 1
1.3上海港散货吞吐量预测 2
第二章 设计资料 4
2.1气象 4
2.1.1气温 4
2.1.2降水 4
2.1.3风况 4
2.1.4雾况 4
2.2水文 5
2.2.1流速、流向 5
2.2.2含沙量 5
2.2.3潮位 5
2.2.4水位 5
2.2.5 波浪 6
2.3地质条件 6
2.4码头结构形式选择 7
2.5设计船型 7
第三章 总平面布置 8
3.1作业条件 8
3.2总体尺寸 8
3.2.1码头泊位长度 上海横沙港区1#散货码头结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203708.html