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时间:2024-10-09 22:14来源:97804



Application of New Energy Technology in Building Energy Conservation

Abstract: China is a developing country with large population base and relatively insufficient resources. The way of Social Sciences, in sustainable development and resource conservation, cannot be avoided. With the deepening urbanization of the country, the proportion of building energy consumption in total energy consumption began to increase. With the production and consumption of fossil fuels, the global climate was of continuous deterioration, and a series of environmental problems became. The new energy is renewable and clean, not only rich in resources, but also won’t pollute the environment. Therefore, how to apply the new energy to the design of building energy conservation in a reasonable and full way, and reduce the environmental pollution caused by the traditional building energy consumption, improve the quality of the building thermal environment has become a question to be faced and solved in every country. Systematic engineering of new energy technology in building energy efficiency is very complicated. This paper analyzes the current situation and Prospect of the application of new energy technology in building energy conservation by comparing the national energy policy at home and abroad, introducing the use of new energy technology in building energy conservation, and the application examples.

Keywords: energy policy;new energy resources;building energy conservation


1 绪论 4

2 国内外新能源和节能政策的发展 5

2.1 国外新能源和节能政策的发展 5

2.1.1德国新能源在建筑节能中的政策发展 5

2.1.2美国新能源在建筑节能中的政策发展 6

2.1.3法国新能源在建筑节能中的政策发展 7

2.1.4日本新能源在建筑节能中的政策发展 8

2.2 国内新能源在建筑节能中的政策支持 8

2.2.1国内新能源和节能政策发展 8

2.2.2国内新能源和节能政策实行的现状 9

2.3 小结 9

3 新能源在建筑节能中的应用 11

3.1太阳能利用技术 11

3.1.1太阳能热水系统 11

3.1.2太阳能空调 新能源技术在建筑节能中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204810.html
