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时间:2024-10-11 22:58来源:97891
本次设计包括烟台港西港区的总平面布置,并针对烟台西港区当地情况设计了斜 坡式防波堤和直立式防波堤堤两种防波堤形式。




Abstract:Yantai Port Westport is one of the most important port areas in Yantai Port Area. Its excellent geographical depth is natural harbor, but it is affected by waves. The breakwater can block the impact of the waves on the port area, protect the port, to maintain a steady pool of water for the ship to secure docking, loading and unloading operations, is an important part of the port hydraulic structures.

Breakwater has a variety of forms ,such as slope, vertical, special forms, including water spray, jet, floating, etc. and have their own characteristics, and it is of great significance to study the different types of breakwaters and compare them to select the most suitable scheme.The design and calculation of slope and vertical breakwater were designed and compared, mainly in accordance with the national and industry norms based on the design and calculation, including the overall layout of the breakwater, two breakwater program cross-section design, chest wall design, Caisson structure design and anti - tilt anti - sliding stability checking, foundation stability and settlement calculation.

Key words: Slope embankment; Straight embankment; Section design; Foundation settlement.


第一章绪论 1

1.1 项目概况 1

1.2 防波堤的发展及研究 1

1.3 防波堤在国内应用情况 2

1.3.1斜坡堤 2

1.3.2直立堤 3

1.3.3混合式防波堤 3

1.3.4特种防波堤 3

1.4 课题研究的意义 3

第二章设计资料 4

2.1 地形地貌 4

2.2 地震 4

2.3 地质条件 4

2.4 气象条件 5

2.5 水文条件 7

2.6 泥沙条件 12

2.7 施工条件 13

第三章总平面设计 14

3.1 防波堤的布置原则 烟台港西区防波堤方案设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204827.html
