
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-10-21 21:16来源:98130





Abstract:In order to make further development for Jiangyin port, which is important project for Jiangyin port, the bulk cargo terminal is in an orderly proceeding. When the bulk cargo terminal is completed, it will greatly enhance the logistics capacity of Jiangyin port area, and will be the complement of the original other terminals in Jiangyin port.

For determining the layout and structure of the port, calculations of the port are based on hydrology, meteorology, wind conditions and geological conditions of the proposed port area in Jiangyin port area. I also calculate the number and size of the berth, Terminal loading and unloading process and the size of the rear yard. Initially identified the design is to build a gravity port. In the waters of the proposed port, according to the information given, the width, depth and radius of the port along the front of the port are determined. The weight of the port, Earth pressure size and the size of the load produced by the stockpile at the different water levels under different conditions are calculated. I also check the anti-dumping, anti-skid and stability of the dock at different water levels. I initially completed the design of Jiangyin gravity port calculation book, drawing a more complete design of the terminal.

This paper is in line with the design specifications of the port, providing more detailed design drawings. It has a guiding significance for building and construction of the Jiangyin port.

Keywords: Port Design, Gravity Port, Jiangyin Port, Buttress Structure


第一章绪论 1

第二章设计资料及设计船型 2

2.1、自然条件 2

2.2、水文 3

2.3、码头布置及设计船型 4

第三章结构方案的拟定 5

3.1、结构比选 5

第四章总平面布置 6

4.1、码头前沿高程和设计相关水位 6

4.1.1、码头顶高程 6

4.1.2、码头前沿水底高程 6

4.1.3、陆域设计高程 7

4.2、水域布置 7

4.2.1、航道设计水深 7

4.2.2、航道通航宽度 7

4.2.3、船舶制动水域 江阴港10000吨散货码头设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204867.html
