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时间:2024-10-21 21:19来源:98131
首先是收集好气象、文水、地质、地 貌等资料然后进行资料分析,根据地质条件确定码头结构形式为高桩码头。其次时进行 码头泊位各种参数的确定,确定好码头泊位数量,长度等参数



Abstract:Shanghai Port as the world's first container throughput of the port, in the face of large-scale growth in container cargo situation, the need to constantly increase the berth to meet market demand. The design is in Shanghai Port Zhang Huabang port construction of a container terminal berth. According to the local geological data analysis of soil layer for the soft nature, so to determine the terminal structure for the high pile beam plate terminal. The design of the terminal includes the determination of berth parameters, the layout of the wharf, the design of the terminal panel, the design of the beam and beam, the design of the pile cap, the design of the ship by the ship, the selection of the rubber fender and so on. Design in strict accordance with the "high-piled wharf design and construction specifications", "water transport engineering concrete structure design specifications", "building structure static calculation manual" and other norms of structural size design, reinforcement calculation, cracking and punching test Calculation. The results are all qualified, on the basis of the combination of four years of university knowledge has been optimized to make the structure size is more reasonable.

Keywords:Shanghai Port; high - piled wharf; structural design; plane layout; beam - plate structure


第一章绪论 1

1.1上海港张华浜港区介绍 1

1.2上海港集装箱码头发展趋势 1

1.3张华浜港区自然条件 1

1.4设计船型 3

1.5地质条件及结构形式 3

第二章总平面布置 6

2.1码头泊位参数确定 6

2.1.1集装箱码头年泊位通过能力 6

2.1.2泊位数计算 7

2.1.3码头泊位长度 7

2.1.4码头前沿设计水深 8

2.1.5码头前沿高程 9

2.2 平面布置 9

2.3 堆场所需容量及地面箱位数 10

2.4码头前沿作业地带布置 11

2.5装卸机械选择 11

第三章 码头荷载计算 12

3.1作用分析 12

3.2地面使用荷载 12 上海港张华浜港区9#集装箱码头结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204868.html
