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时间:2024-10-21 21:26来源:98132

摘  要:本次设计根据港口地质条件、通货能力要求等,综合分析采用高桩码头结构形式。设计主要包括港口的平面布置和高桩码头结构的内力计算,以及进行必要的稳定性验算。   



Abstract:This design is based on the port geological conditions, currency capacity requirements, a comprehensive analysis of the use of high-pile terminal structure. The design mainly includes the plane layout of the port and the internal force calculation of the high pile terminal structure, as well as the necessary stability checking.

Terminal length of 276 meters, 31 meters wide, the top elevation of 5.60 meters. The terminal has a 40,000-ton berth, warehouse and yard area and distribution according to the amount of goods determined. The design includes the layout of the pier, the design and calculation of the beam plate, checking and reinforcement, pile, pile cap and ship component calculation. The layout of the pier should take into account the convenience of the ship berthing and handling and the ease of use and management requirements. The design of the project is to design the design, including the design of the panel, the stringer and the beam, the stability of the pile and the calculation of the bearing capacity, the calculation of the pile cap, the selection of the terminal facilities and the calculation of the ship component design. In the process, the use of stringers and beams are easy to use software for modeling calculations, the rest of the calculation of all hands to complete. In the calculation of the internal force of the structure, the various loads that may simultaneously act on the building in the actual action are combined according to the most unfavorable situation.

Key words: High - piled wharf, plane arrangement, horizontal bogie, load combination, internal force calculation, reinforcement calculation

目  录

第一章 绪论 7

1.1港口性质 7

1.2港区划分 8

1.3申夏港区发展现状 8

1.4无锡内河港总体规划 8

1.5生态评价等级 9

1.6结论 9

第二章 设计资料 10

2.1工程概况 10

2.2设计依据 10

2.3工程地理位置 10

2.4自然条件 11

2.4.1 气象 11

2.4.2水文 13

2.4.3  地形、地貌及工程泥沙 16

2.4.4工程地质 江阴港申夏港区联合铁钢码头工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204871.html
