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时间:2024-10-11 22:55来源:97890
本次设计的码头为国家海洋局大连市渔政执法码头,结构型式采用重力式沉箱 码头。




Abstract:Fishery law enforcement on behalf of the state to safeguard the rights and interests of China's marine fisheries, the protection of fishery resources, supervision and management of fishing time, fishing area, supervision and inspection of construction units; to ensure the normal production of fisheries, mediation production disputes; supervision of water ecological environment. Dalian Fisheries Regulatory Authority and the third detachment of the sea supervision of a total of seven maritime law enforcement vessels. Since the establishment of these ships since the government has been by his port berthing, not their own special terminal, so the design for the status quo design.

This design is a comprehensive application of four years of university knowledge, is in strict compliance with a series of port-related design, structural norms under the premise of the combination of local natural, construction conditions and rigorous program selection of gravity Caisson structure. This manual includes the port of the original data analysis, the total layout, the terminal structure of the calculation and other supporting construction, the rigorous calculation demonstrated the feasibility of the program.

Keywords:Gravity wharf; special wharf; structural design


第一章 工程概述及文献综述 1

1.1报告编制依据 1

1.2工程建设的必要性和可行性 1

1.3项目建设主要内容和经济评价 3

1.3.1项目建设主要内容 3

1.3.2经济评价 3

1.4问题和建议 3

2.1文献综述 4

第二章 港口现状及问题 7

2.1港口地理位置 7

2.2港口现状 7

第三章 设计船型 8

第四章 自然条件 9

4.1气象 9

4.1.1风况 9

4.1.2台风 10

4.1.3气温 11

4.1.4降水 12

4.1.5雾况 13

4.1.6相对湿度 13

4.1.7冰情与冻土 13

4.2工程水文 13

4.2.1潮汐、潮流、水位 大连市海洋与渔业局行政执法船专用码头结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204825.html
