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时间:2019-01-09 19:09来源:毕业论文

Design and analysis of technical and economic comprehensive office building in Shanghai City, a commercial air conditioning system
Abstract: In this paper, the Shanghai business comprehensive office building air conditioning system design, based on the system and economy analysis. Main contents include: air conditioning cooling load calculation; The scheme of air conditioning system and the system partition; The choice of cold source; Air terminal handling equipment selection; The wind system design, arrangement and resistance calculation; Selection of indoor air supply mode and air distribution in check; Design, layout and hydraulic calculation of water system, water system of power equipment selection and design, selection of the accessories; Duct equipment and cold water pipe heat preservation; Sound and shock absorption design content, such as air conditioning system design is completed and the economy (and other new type of air conditioning system or part of the improved contrast) were analyzed. According to the characteristics of the building itself, the function and the relevant specification requirements, determine the building a layer adopts centralized air conditioning system, and the rest of the layers adopt fan-coil unit plus fresh air semi-central air conditioning system. Through the air conditioning system design, can provide comprehensive business office staff with a comfortable and healthy environment.
Keywords:    Business comprehensive office building;The calculation of air conditioning cooling load;Hydraulic calculation;Centralized air conditioning system;Fan coil plus fresh air system;Technical and Economic Analysis
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
目录    iii
1绪论    1
1.1    我国暖通空调的现状及其发展    1
1.2    建筑空调系统节能国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1    建筑空调系统节能国外研究现状    1
1.2.2    建筑空调系统节能国内研究现状    2
1.3    中央空调的定义及原理、分类    2
1.3.1    中央空调的定义及原理    2
1.3.2    中央空调系统的分类    3
2工程概况    6
2.1建筑相关资料    6
2.1.1气象资料    6
2.1.2空调使用时间    7
2.1.3外墙资料    7
2.1.4外窗资料    7
2.1.5屋面资料    7
2.1.6人员资料    8
2.1.7设备、照明资料    8 办公楼空调系统设计及技术经济分析+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_29104.html