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时间:2017-05-24 22:58来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着社会的发展和科学技术的不断进步, 我国社会各领域都取得了突破性进展,在高速公路施工中产生了许多新的技术。无支架施工技术在立柱施工中具有无比的优越性和科学性, 与支架施工相比, 无支架施工减少了人力、财力的投入, 同时又创造了良好的经济效益。但由于钢筋笼和高模板在吊装和拼装过程中难度较大,加重了高空坠落和起重伤害这两个安全隐患的危险程度。该课题运用专家评议法、作业危险性评价法和层次分析法对高速公路无支架立柱施工中存在的危险源进行定性和定量的分析,根据评价结果发现对施工影响严重的危险因素,从而有针对性的提出相应的防护对策和应急预案,切实降低危险因素对高速公路无支架立柱施工带来的风险,保障工程的施工安全和施工现场的人员安全。9134
关键词: 高速公路无支架立柱施工;起重伤害;高空坠落;层次分析法
A highway column construction without scaffolding of the safety hazards and countermeasures
Abstract: With the development of society and the continuous development of technology, a lot of new technology has produced in highway construction. Construction without scaffold technology in the column construction has incomparable advantages and scientific. Compared with the scaffolding construction, it reduced the human and financial resources invested, and created a good economic benefit at the same time. However, due to the more difficulties in hoisting and assembling steel reinforcement cage and big shuttering, it increased the criticality of falling and lifting injury. The paper use Expert Evaluation method, Job Risk Assessment method and Analytic Hierarchy Process to evaluate hazards in the tunnel construction. According to the result, found the hazard factors, then raise the appropriate measures and emergency plan. Reducing the risks of the hazard factors in highway column construction effectively, and to protect the safety of workers and project.
Keywords: Highway column construction without scaffolding; Lifting injury; Falling;Analytic Hierarchy Process
1 序言    4
2某高速公路无支架立柱施工的安全现状调查    5
2.1某高速公路无支架立柱的工程概况    5
2.2与传统立柱施工相比较的特点    6
2.3 某高速公路无支架立柱的施工难点分析与安全管理现状    6
2.3.1某高速公路无支架立柱的施工难点分析    6
2.3.2 某高速公路无支架立柱施工中的安全管理难点分析    6
3某高速公路无支架立柱施工的危险源辨识    8
3.1 方案论证    8
3.2 某高速公路无支架立柱施工危险源辨识和分级    9
4 某高速公路无支架立柱施工的分析评价    11
4.1 评价方法的选择    11
4.2 某高速公路无支架立柱施工的危险源划分    11
4.3 某高速公路无支架立柱施工的风险评价    11
4.3.1 定性分析    11
4.3.2 定量分析    16
4.4 风险评价结果的分析    28
5某高速公路无支架立柱安全施工对策的研究    30
5.1某高速公路无支架立柱施工的安全保障体系的研究与制定    30
5.1.1 人员组织管理    31
5.1.2 制度管理    33
5.1.3 技术保障    33
5.2 某高速公路无支架立柱施工的安全管理措施    34
5.3 某高速公路无支架立柱施工的安全保证措施    34
6某高速公路无支架立柱安全施工对策的实施    36 高速公路无支架立柱施工的安全隐患与对策:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_7749.html