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时间:2021-08-24 19:31来源:毕业论文

摘要:秦沈客运专线是指秦皇岛至沈阳客运专线,此客运专线是我国铁路第一条客运专线。本课题根据沿线软土地基工程地质和水文条件等,进行路堤和支护设计。首先根据高速铁路设计规范和线路具体情况进行了路堤的设计,之后采用瑞典条分法进行路堤边坡稳定分析。支护设计根据地形坡度和土压力的变化,同时考虑经济因素的情况下,选用重力式挡土墙和挡板式挡土墙进行设计。路基防护主要使用植被防护的方法。 71214

毕业论文关键词: 路基设计;边坡稳定;挡土墙 

Subgrade and Support Design of Qinhuangdao - Shenyang Passenger Dedicated Line

Abstract: Qin-Shen Passenger Dedicated Line refers to the passenger dedicated Line between Qinhuangdao and Shenyang, which is the first passenger dedicated line of China's railway. This project designs embankment and support of the railway line based on the engineering geology and hydrological conditions of soft soil foundation. Firstly, it designs the embankment of the railway based on the Design Specification Standards for High-speed Rail and the specific circumstances of the route. Secondly, it applies Swedish slice method for stability analysis of landslides. Support design According to the changes in terrain slope and earth pressure, taking into account the economic factors, the use of gravity retaining wall and baffle retaining wall design. Roadbed protection mainly uses vegetation protection methods.

Keywords: Subgrade design;Slope stability; retaining wall


1. 绪论 1

1.1研究的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究水平和现状 1

2. 设计资料 3

2.1线路技术标准 3

2.2沿线特征资料 4

3. 路基设计 5

3.1 路基面形状设计 5

3.2路基荷载设计 5

3.3路基面宽度设计 6

3.4路堤边坡设计 8

3.5边坡稳定性分析 9

3.5.1边坡失稳的原因 9

3.5.2稳定分析方法介绍 10

3.5.3瑞典条分法分析边坡稳定 10

4.挡土墙设计 18

4.1挡土墙概述 18

4.2重力式挡土墙 18

4.2.1抗滑稳定性验算 18

4.2.2抗倾覆验算 20

4.2.3挡土墙基底应力及偏心距检算: 21

4.2.4  1⁄2截面: 21

4.2.5剪应力计算 23

4.3桩板式挡土墙 23

4.3.1桩板式挡土墙土压力的计算 24

4.3.2挡土桩上的应力计算 26

4.2.4桩身配筋设计 28

4.2.5挡土板的配筋 30

5.路基防护 32

5.1路基防护设计 秦沈客运专线路堤和支护设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_80802.html
