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时间:2022-04-14 19:45来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 预应力混凝土连续梁桥

 Abstract  According to the requirements and the standards of the design assignment, the graduate design is mainly about the design of superstructure of short-span pre-stressed concrete continuous box Girder Bridge 。 Pre-stressed concrete continuous Girder Bridge become one of main bridge types of the most full of competion ability because of subjecting to the dint function with the structure good, having the small defomation, few of control joint,going smoothly comfort,protected the amout of engineering small and having the powerfully ability of earthquake proof and so on。 And on the basis of the four principles of “safety, economy, aesthetics and utility”。 Due to its excellent structural performance, the box section is widely used in modern bridges。 The load bearing structure of the box section is combined with the force transmitting structure, so that each component can be combined together, which has high efficiency, and is suitable for the space distribution of the prestressed concrete structure to achieve good results。

目 录 

1 绪论 2

1。1 预应力混凝土连续梁桥概述 2

2 工程建设条件及标准设计标准 2

2。1 计依据 2

2。2 设计技术标准 2

2。3 材料规格 3

2。4 设计参数 4

3 设计要点及结构尺寸 4

3。1 设计要点 4

3。2 结构尺寸 5

3。3 横截面沿跨长的变化 6

3。4 横隔梁的设置 6

3。5 上部结构施工 6

4 上部结构计算 7

4。1 结构自重作用效应计算 7

4。2 汽车荷载作用效应计算 9

4。3 温差应力及基础沉降内力计算 11

5 内力组合 13

6 预应力钢束计算及布置 27

6。1 钢束数量估算 江苏盐城通榆河大桥预应力混凝土连续梁桥设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_92542.html
