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时间:2022-11-29 21:51来源:毕业论文



Zhangjiagang Agricultural Product Logistics Current Situation and Countermeasures

Abstract Agricultural logistics connection between production and consumption, not only can solve the effective supply of agricultural products, but also can meet consumer’s demand。 For a long time, Zhangjiagang city for agricultural products logistics is seriously insufficient, resulting in lower levels of agricultural product logistics development in Zhangjiagang。 Promoting the construction of agricultural logistics system is urgent。 In this paper, in the first part of the interpretation and analysis is agricultural products logistics, The second part with a large number of empirical data analyses Zhangjiagang city agricultural products logistics development situation and existing problems, Finally aiming at the existing problem of Zhangjiagang city agricultural products logistics put forward practical measures and suggestions。 Hope this article on the study of Zhangjiagang city agricultural products logistics part of the conclusion and policy suggestion has a certain reference function。

Keywords: Agricultural logistics; Data analysis; Countermeasures

目  录

0引言 1

1农产品物流的理论基础 1

1。1物流与农产品物流概念的界定 1

1。2农产品物流的特性 2

1。3农产品物流相关理论介绍 3

2张家港农产品物流发展现状与问题分析 4

2。1张家港农产品物流发展现状 4

2。2张家港农产品物流发展存在的主要问题 10

3推动张家港市农产品物流发展的合理化建议 15

3。1对农产品物流进行资源整合 15

3。2增强资金支持力度,使农产品物流节点合理化 15

3。3建立农产品生产标准化准则 16

3。4加强物流人才培养 17

3。5完善农产品物流法律法规,强化农产品物流市场的管理 18

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21



农产品物流是现代物流重要研究领域之一,对国民经济的发展是相当重要的[1]。现阶段, 我国农 产品物流发展水平较低,普遍存在的现状是物流主体规模小、层次低 ,组织化程度低,基础设施落后,农产品物流信息化水平低,流通环节多等不合理问题,给我国农产品物流的发展带来了很大的困难。本文以张家港市为例,介绍了张家港市农产品物流发展的现状,进而探讨适合张家港农产品物流发展的对策。论文网 张家港农产品物流发展现状与对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_103358.html
