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时间:2018-04-20 21:40来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 奢侈品;爱马仕;营销
The Hermes of luxury goods marketing
Abstract: Today's luxury market is big, in the fierce competition is prohibitive. Among the numerous big luxury brands to harness manufacturing of French Hermes group is the best. Although Hermes group headquarters is located in the romantic French, but it's in the whole world. Hermes, with its high-end exquisite products and accurate marketing gimmick to conquer the world, become the leader in the luxury goods empire. As for Hermes is to use what superb marketing gimmick, use the selling point of how to stamp in the consumer the most soft place in your heart, how to win consumer's heart, how to conquer the market, these are worth learning and aftertaste. For China's rapid development, Hermes’s products is definitely a great temptation, and whether the Hermes will reach into China. Whether to pay more attention to their development in China is a very interesting research direction.
Keywords:Luxury goods; Hermes; Marketing
引言    1
一、奢侈品研究概述    1
(一) 奢侈品的概念    1
(二) 奢侈品的特征    1
1.高价格和高品质特征    1
2.稀有性特征    2
(三) 奢侈品的消费心理    3
1、炫耀性消费心理    3
2、 盲目跟风,从众性消费心理    4
3、 浮躁消费心理。    4
4、 追求个性的消费心理    4
(四) 国内外研究现状分析    4
1、消费年龄年轻化    4
2、消费集中在外国品牌上,我国几乎没有自主品牌参与竞争    5
3、奢侈品消费地点通常集中于大型商场和旅游景点    5
二、爱马仕的品牌价值构建    5
(一)爱马仕的品牌特征    5
1、品级    5
2、品质    6
3、品位    6
4、品行    6
(二)爱马仕的产品价值体现    6
三、爱马仕的品牌价值构建    6
(一) 独特和稀缺性的产品策略    6
(二) 文化和艺术的品牌策略    7
(三) 高端定位和博弈化的价格策略    8
1、 稀缺性定价策略    8
2、 心理定价策略    8
(四) 顺应时代变迁的渠道策略    8
(五) 追求格调和文化融合的营销传播策略    9
四、爱马仕及其在中国的发展前景    9
(一) 中国奢侈品市场现状    9
1、 国外奢侈品在中国的现状    9
2、国内奢侈品在中国的现状    10
(二) 爱马仕在中国的现状与发展趋势    10 奢侈品爱马仕营销策略分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_13771.html