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时间:2023-02-27 22:46来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  大学生  手机依赖  心理健康

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title     Research on the Relationship Between Mobile Phone   Dependence and Mental Health of College Students 

Abstract As the function of the mobile phone becomes more and more powerful, the frequency of the use of the mobile phone becomes more and more frequently, which affects the mental and physical health of college students。 This study through to college students phone dependent phenomena investigation and study, understand the current college students mobile phone dependence of reality。 On this basis, further to explore college students mobile phone dependence and the mental health of the relationship, the research on the mobile phone dependent effect on mental health of college students。 Through the investigation and analysis, it is found that the mobile phone dependence of college students in Jiangsu is more serious, which has the most serious situation, which should cause the attention of the society and the school。 College students mobile phone dependence has significant positive correlation with mental health。 Based on this, this study proposed rich extra-curricular activities in schools, strengthen psychological guidance countermeasures and suggestions, in order to guide college students to correctly use the mobile phone, help students to reduce their dependence。

Keywords  College students  Mobile phone dependency  Mental health

目   次 

1  绪论 1

1。1  研究背景 1

1。2  研究意义 3

1。3  研究内容 4

1。4  研究方法 5

文献综述 6

2。1  手机依赖 6

2。2  手机依赖与心理健康相关性 6

2。3  文献综述小结 7

3  研究设计 9

3。1  研究对象 9

3。2  问卷设计 9

3。3  实施过程 10

4  数据处理与分析 11

4。1  描述性统计分析 11

4。2  手机依赖与心理健康相关性分析 13

4。3  手机依赖与心理健康回归分析 23

5  结论与建议 26

5。1  研究结论 26From+优|尔-论_文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ752018.766 手机使用行为与大学生心理健康研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_142819.html
