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时间:2023-03-07 21:42来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  准公共物品  公共自行车  设备运营 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research on the Public Bicycle Equipment in the Post Youth Olympic Era -- Taking Hexi District as an Example                                                                             

Abstract The 2nd YOG was held in Nanjing 2014, as the main stadium is located in the Nanjing Hexi District,government built a number of the public transport construction in this area。 As a kind of important public transport and transfer tool, urban public bicycle is doing well in solving "the last mile" problem and the spread of green travel idea。So the government built many brand-new public bicycle equipment in Hexi District。Two years passed, the operation of these public bicycle equipment switches its operation style from race state to daily。By using interview and questionnaire, this paper finds out the perspective of users and operators about the Hexi public bicycle equipment operation effect,according to the four elements of public bicycle operation,this paper summes up Hexi public bicycle equipment operation comprehensively, finds out the problems, and puts forward some solutions。

Keywords  Nanjing Hexi District  public bicycle  equipment operation

目   次

1。  绪论 1

1。1  选题背景和意义 1

1。1。1  选题背景 1

1。1。2  选题意义 1

1。2  文献综述 1

1。2。1  国外研究综述 1

1。2。2  国内研究综述 2

1。2。3  对国内外研究现状的评述 4

1。3研究方法与创新 4

1。3。1  研究方法 4

1。3。2  研究创新点 5

2。 核心概念界定和相关理论分析 6

2。1  核心概念界定 6

2。1。1  公共自行车 6

2。1。2  公共自行车的公共性 6

2。2  相关理论分析 6

3。  青奥会后河西公共自行车设备运营概况 8

3。1  南京市河西公共自行车配置概况 8

3。2  当前河西公共自行车设备运营情况 8

3。2。1  河西公共自行车设备运营服务对象 后青奥时代公共自行车设备运营问题及对策河西新区为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_145598.html
