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时间:2023-03-11 21:29来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  中国制造2025  制造业信息化  工业互联网  人才政策

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research on the talent policy of the government to Improve the information of manufaturing industry                                                 


Abstract In today's world, a new competition in the manufacturing industry has been kicked off。 The United States based Internet industry, Germany tries their best to build industrial 4。0, and as a big manufacturing country, China launched the "made in China 2025。 Li Keqiang personally by the prime minister, based in 2025, to achieve the transformation from a manufacturing powerhouse to a manufacturing powerhouse。Informatization is a main method to enhance the core competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises, this paper based on the government work report, Premier Li Keqiang proposed implementation of "made in China 2025" background, based on the "three-step" strategy in the first step "to 2020, manufacturing industry informatization level increased dramatically。" The goal of manufacturing industry informatization concept and the importance of, and with reference to the German industrial 4。0 and American industrial Internet related policy, for the government to achieve the goal of personnel policy constructive opinions。

Keywords  Made in China 2025  Manufacturing informatization  Industrial 4。0  Industrial Internet  Talent policy

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  选题背景及选题意义 1

1。1。1  选题背景 1源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

1。1。1  选题意义 1

1。2  综述 2

1。2。1  国外研究现状 2

1。2。2  国内研究现状 2

1。3  研究内容与方法 2

1。3。1  研究内容 2

1。3。2  研究方法 3

2  制造业信息化的相关理论 4

2。1  制造业信息化概念及其重要性 4

2。1。1  制造业信息化概念 4

2。1。2  发展制造业信息化的重要性 4

2。2  信息化人才资源的概念及重要性 4

2。2。1  信息化人才资源与信息化人才的含义 4

2。2。2  信息化人才资源的特点 提升制造业信息化的政府人才政策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_146891.html
