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时间:2023-04-08 14:35来源:毕业论文



Abstract In the past year, the birth rate has not been as expected, which led to a large number of scholars on the adjustment of fertility policy and fertility prediction。 This paper uses the method of questionnaire and data analysis to take Fuzhou as an example the initial factors that affect the fertility of the second child, explain the relationship between fertility behavior and fertility and fertility environment。 Reproductive behavior is not only affected by personal career development, the impact of the original family, but also with educational facilities, social security, infrastructure construction has a close relationship。

The implementation of the twin fertility policy has a positive effect on accelerating the optimization of the pyramid of China's population structure。 At present, the policy implementation time is short, and it is necessary to constantly adjust the fertility policy according to the reality。 In order to better promote the implementation and implementation of the two policy, we need to actively improve the supporting social security system。 Strengthen the publicity and guidance of the policy, the two families to give economic subsidies, vigorously develop the care career, improve the education system, and reduce family education funding。

毕业论文关键词:二胎; 生育行为; 生育意愿;生育环境

Keyword : Second-child birth; Reproductive behavior; Fertility intentions;Birth environment

目    录

摘要 2

1 绪论 4

1。1 研究背景 4

1。2 研究意义与目的 4

1。2。1研究意义 4

1。2。2研究目的 4

1。3 研究方法 5

1。3。1数据来源 5

1。3。2研究方法 5

1。4 研究框架 5

2 研究综述 6

2。1 基本概念 6

2。2 基本理论 6

2。3 研究现状 6

2。3。1生育行为的变化趋势 6

2。3。2生育行为变动的因素 6

2。3。3不同人群生育行为 7

3。 福州市二胎生育行为与生育意愿影响因素分析 8

3。1 传统生育理念的弱化 8

3。2 淡化特定的性别偏好 9

4。 福州市二胎生育行为与生育环境影响因素分析 福州二胎生育行为及其影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_158137.html
