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时间:2018-06-13 17:05来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 新农合;问题;对策
A Research on Problems and Countermeasures of New Rural Cooperative Medical System
Abstract:In order to analyze the existing problems of New Rural Cooperative Medical System and seek for the ways to cope with them, this article investigates the NRCMS and the condition of its operation in Queshan County of Henan province based on the document research. There are several problems through the analysis: the New Rural Cooperative Medical System is incomplete; the advertising and practicing of  New Rural Cooperative Medical System is not enough; the infrastructure of hygienic departmeng in some villages is backward; the system is lack of medical staff and the level of medical technology is low. To solve the problems above, some suggestions to complete the New Rural Cooperative Medical System are given as following: take measure to complete the New Rural Cooperative Medical System step by step and enhance the capability of guarantee; increase the propaganda of New Rural Cooperative Medical System and improve the support and participation of peasants; optimize the distribution of sanitation resources and increase the techniques of hygiene institution. To make the system operate preferably, relevant organizations should make great efforts and cooperate with each other, so as to ensure the health of peasants and put an end to the phenomenon of suffering or returning to poverty due to serious illness.
Keywords: new rural cooperative medical system; problem; countermeasure
 目  录
一、引言    1
(一) 研究背景    1
(二) 研究现状    2
(三) 研究目的    2
(四) 研究意义    3
二、研究方法    3
(一) 文献研究    3
(二) 现场调研    4
三、研究结果    4
(一) 文献研究结果    4
(二) 现场调研结果    5
四、讨论    9
五、政策建议    10
优尔、结论    11
参考文献    12
致谢    14
附录    15
(一) 研究背景
    从二十世纪四十年代开始,农村互助合作医疗逐渐地在我国农村地区构建起来。从四十年代初的卫生合作社到基本覆盖整个农村地区的县、乡、村三级医疗保健网基本确立,合作医疗成为计划经济时期农村医疗的主要形式,为广大农民提供了基本的医疗服务。合作医疗以集体经济为基础,在当时经费药品均短缺的情况下,成功地在预防传染病、降低婴儿死亡率、提升农民健康状况方面发挥了重要作用,被世界卫生组织誉为“发展中国家解决卫生经费唯一范例”。然而,在改革开放政策实施之后,农村集体经济逐渐趋于崩溃,合作医疗因失去经济基础而逐步失去了对农民提供医疗服务的能力。加之改革开放初期,政府将重点放在城市,城镇居民和职工的医疗保障逐步建立起来,农村却面临着90%以上医疗费用由患者自负,且出现了农村居民收入增速远远低于医疗费用增速的局面。这使得城乡差距不断拉大,农民“因病致贫、因病返贫”现象普遍,社会不公平问题突出。为了解决农民医疗保障问题,2002年10月,中央、国务院颁布了《关于进一步加强农村卫生工作的决定》,提出要建立新型农村合作医疗制度。 新农合制度存在的问题及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_17711.html