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时间:2018-06-20 16:19来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:新媒体; 新媒体产业;市场化;
The study of new media industry market means
Abstract: Along with the continuous upgrade progress and application of digital technology, the new media has made great strides in recent years. High-tech development and innovation has brought many styles of new media forms and content of the terminal, but the new media can profit and keep good momentum of development requires us up and down in the market means more new media industry effort. In this paper, combined with the environment of new media industry development present situation, the new media industry development and new trend of market-oriented means to the development of China's new media industry progress made the analysis and discussion. This paper believes that under the current trend of development, big data, mobile Internet, social media will become the main trend and hot spot of global development of new media, and will be more extensive and deep influence on people's social life. In the process of development of the new media industry in addition to the need for market-based means to mature to make full use of, also want to pay attention to such as the big data technology and other emerging market means. At the same time, this paper has provided some reference suggestions.
Keywords: New media;The new media industry; Marketization
一、绪论 1
(一)研究目的 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究背景 2
1、国外研究综述 2
2、国内研究综述 2
二、新媒体产业发展现状和趋势分析  3
(一)发展现状 3
(三)发展趋势 4
三、新媒体产业发展的市场化手段分析  5
(一)现有成熟的市场化手段分析  5    
(二)潜在的市场化手段:大数据技术应用  7
四、有关新媒体产业市场化手段的对策和建议  9
五、总结 10
参考文献 12
致谢 13
(一) 研究目的
关于新媒体,从新媒体一词诞生以来, 对于“什么是新媒体”在国内外的研究过程中就有多种解释。很多研究人员、学者专家都各自从不同角度对“新媒体”下了不同的定义, 并对新媒体概念的外延和内涵也提出了自己的界定, 可以看作是各执一词。这也造成新媒体的发展方向和归属性引起更多的学术争议。在早期, 联合国教科文组织对新媒体做过这样的阐释: 新媒体即为网络媒体。还有相近的诸如“新媒体是以数字技术为基础, 以网络为载体进行信息传播的媒介”、美国《连线》杂志“所有人对所有人的传播”等等。总的来讲新媒体是所有人向大众实时交互地传递个性化数字复合信息的传播介质。事实上, 由新媒体产业革命推动的不仅是传媒产业的突飞猛进, 更是整个社会各个方面的大发展。新媒体同时也是全球化浪潮推动下的产物, 又是全球化浪潮强大的造势引擎。在新媒体的内容平台层面, 整个世界正逐渐成为一个真正的网状传播整体。新媒体的个性化和互动性精准传播等特质更符合现代人的消费和生活观念, “全民-Diy”既是新媒体不可复制的核心竞争力,同时也是新媒体内容对传统媒体内容生产方式的颠覆。传统媒体与新媒体在服务普罗大众的层面上相辅相成、缺一不可。据此我们应该看到, 在将来的某个时间节点, 整个世界都将因为新媒体产业的蓬勃发展和与传统媒体的互利共赢而愈发显得丰富多彩。 新媒体产业发展的市场化手段研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_17981.html