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时间:2018-07-04 20:27来源:毕业论文

Logistics Mode of "Last Kilometer" of Fresh Agricultural Products
- Take the Beequick Website as An Example
Student majoring in E-commerce    Chen Han
 Tutor    Shen Jianfen
Abstract:As the final link of logistics and distribution, "the last mile" of logistics and distribution plays a vital role. But there are some issues of the current "last mile" of the logistics and distribution process, like high distribution costs, distribution inefficiency and so on, which has a direct impact on the development of electricity and logistics industry. After a lot of research found that the impact which caused by the improperly using of the logistics and distribution model of fresh agricultural products electricity "last mile" is more and more prominent. The result will seriously hinder the development of agricultural products and fresh agricultural products. Because different types of agricultural products have different production and operation methods. Therefore, this paper takes the commercial website of fresh agricultural products—— the Beequick website as the research object, and researches the solution of the "last mile" problem in the logistics and distribution, so as to solve the "last mile" problem of logistics distribution of fresh agricultural products.
Key words: Fresh agricultural products; Electronic commerce; "last kilometer"; Logistics and Distribution Model;Beequick Website
目  录

摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    2
(一)研究背景及意义    2
(二)研究目的    2
二、相关概念与研究现状    2
(一)生鲜农产品物流配送“最后一公里”相关概念    2
1.生鲜农产品物流配送    2
2.物流配送“最后一公里”    2
(二)生鲜农产品物流配送研究现状    3
1.国内关于物流配送“最后一公里”的研究    3
2.国外关于物流配送“最后一公里”的研究    3
3.研究述评    3
三、生鲜农产品电商“最后一公里”配送模式现状分析    3
(一)直接配送到户模式    3
1.直接配送到户模式的概述    3
2.直接配送到户模式的现状    4
(二)间接配送模式    5
1.间接配送模式的概述    5
2.间接配送到户模式的现状    5
(三)基于生鲜农产品电商的“最后一公里”配送模式现状分析的结论    6
四、爱鲜蜂网站“最后一公里”配送现状分析    7 生鲜农产品电商爱鲜蜂网的“最后一公里”物流配送模式研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_18808.html