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时间:2023-09-04 22:22来源:毕业论文

摘    要 抗日战争结束后,国立英士大学的校址、医学院停办以及校长问题一直为英士大学学生不满。在尝试过校方干涉、学生呼吁、代表请愿等多种方式解决问题均无果后,已迁至金华的英士大学学生决定于1947年5月全体晋京请愿,英士大学学潮由此爆发。学潮爆发初期,教育部对于学生所提请愿要求态度强硬,地方政治力量也无法化解学潮,学潮态势迅速扩大。5月19日英士大学学生晋京向教育部请愿,国民参政院秘书长雷震出面调解,安抚学生情绪。然而此时正值国统区学生运动风起云涌,英士大学学生又与众多高校学生面临共同困境,5月20日英士大学学生即加入五二O游行,学生游行请愿的要求也不再单纯限于校务。尽管这次学潮随校长汤吉禾就职而平息,最终也没有使英士大学学生实现其诉求,反而使一批学潮积极分子被处理,但是它体现了学潮从非政治化催化为政治化的过程,在客观上成为打击国民党的“第二条战线”的形成力量,也影响了英士大学学生运动的继续发展。90067

毕业论文关键词:英士大学; 学潮; 教育部; 五二O运动

Abstract After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, students at the Yingshi university have been dissatisfied with the school's school address, principals, and stopping medical college。As the Yingshi university students in a variety of ways to try to solve problems were fruitless, they decided in May 1947 to Beijing to the petition,which meant the Yingshi university student movement outbreak。 At the beginning of the movement, the Ministry of Education strongly refused to agree to the requirements of the students,and local political forces could not resolve the student movement too, leading to the rapid development of the trend of it。On the 19th of this month,after students arrived in Beijing petition to the Ministry of education, the Secretary General of the National People's Congress Lei Zhen came to mediate in order to appease the mood of students。 But at that time the Kuomintang areas were breaking out a large-scale student movement,the Yingshi university students and many other college students face a common dilemma。 So May 20 Yingshi university students joined a number of colleges and universities to carry out the 520 parade,in which students requested more than before。The student movement of Yingshi university finally came to an end with Tang Jihe took up his post as the university principal。Students did not achieve the their  goal finally, and even some students have been punished。however,it reflected the process of student movement from non-politicized to politicized, becoming a part of the "second front" of the Communist Party of China Objectively,and also affected the development of Yingshih university student movement。 

Keyword: Yingshi university; student movement; Ministry of Education; 520 movement

目    录






(四)师生前期努力源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 的失败。5












前言 1947年英士大学学潮微探:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_195832.html
