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时间:2023-09-29 17:09来源:毕业论文

摘    要


Under the background of the current social transformation, "Elderly Rovers", as a growing population in the floating population, are being paid more and more attention about their social adaptation and social integration。 At present, our country's "Elderly Rovers" is pided into two categories: "rural-urban migration" and "city -city migration"。 This thesis will focus on the "Elderly Rovers" group in the non- urban community, and this study will be conducted to investigate the status of community integration of "Elderly Rovers" in X village of Xiaoshan District, which has the characteristics of typical village-in-city community in three aspects of economic integration, cultural integration and psychological integration, exploring their main dilemma on the economic, cultural and psychological level , then analyzing the influencing factors from two levels of their own factors and environmental factors, finally, proposing some relevant strategies about how to solve their community integration dilemma from effect by their social support network and the role of the community。

关键词:老年漂; 城中村; 社区融入;社会支持

Keyword: Elderly Rovers; village-in-city; community integration;social support

目    录

一、引言 5

(一)研究背景与意义 5

(二)研究现状和发展趋势 5

(三)研究方法源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 和资料获取 6

二、核心概念的界定 7

(一)“老年漂” 7

(二)城中村 7

(三)社区融入 8

三、城中村“老年漂”社区融入状况 8

(一)社区融入的维度 8

1。经济融入 9

2。文化融入 9

3。心理融入 9

(二)城中村“老年漂”的社区融入 10

1。经济融入 10

(1)经济来源单一 10

(2)居住条件差 10

2。文化融入 11

(1)语言差异大 11

(2)风俗人情接受度低 11

(3)休闲活动匮乏 城中村老年漂社区融入问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_196514.html
