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时间:2024-04-29 21:54来源:95257



Risk Analysis And Control of ERP Project Change

Abstract:Effective management of risk in the implementation process of ERP project is an important factor in the success of the project, the project changing risk is one of the important risks which may lead the project to failure. This paper takes the project changing risk which appeared in the implementation process of ERP project of the enterprises in the case as the starting point, summarized the causes of the unreasonable change of each enterprise in the case, and studied how to reduce the frequency of project changing; analyzed the problem of changing management in the case, discussed how to standardize the process of changing authorization and execution, how to strengthen the time and cost management of changing and thus reduce the impact of project changing on the whole ERP project; Discussed how to make trade-offs from the relationship between time, quality and cost of project changing,to improve the utility of project changing under the premise of minimizing the impact of project changing on ERP project.

Keywords:ERP;the risk of project change;change control;the effectiveness of change


1.引言 1

1.1论文研究的背景与意义 1

1.2研究现状综述 1

1.3本文的研究方法 3

1.4本文的研究思路与创新点 3

2.ERP项目的风险分类与成因分析 5

2.1供应商与软件选择风险 6

2.2项目实施类风险 7

2.3人员类风险 8

2.4管理与业务流程变革风险 10

3.ERP项目变更风险分析与控制 12

3.1ERP项目变更类型 12

3.2ERP项目变更风险成因分析 13

3.3ERP项目变更风险的控制 15

3.3.1降低变更发生的频率 15

3.3.2成立专门的变更管理部门 17

3.3.3规范变更管理流程 17

3.3.3项目变更的时间与费用管理 23

4.项目变更综合影响因素的AHP分析 29

4.1项目变更时间、成本与质量的关系 29

4.2变更效用的优化 31

5总结与展望 36

致谢 38

参考文献 39 ERP项目管理变更风险的分析与控制:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203616.html
