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时间:2024-05-29 22:42来源:95503




The Research on Improvement of as Company’s Production Process Base on Value Stream Mapping Book Supplier Evaluation

Abstract:With the slow development of China's economy, the real estate is not  warm. LB electric cooker hoods, gas stoves, disinfection cabinets and other kitchen appliances sales with real estate has been greatly limited. The competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. In order to adapt to the production environment, research thereby increasing the market share of LB appliances. These problems can be through the analysis of the value of the product flow, then according to the lean production tools to improve production problems, help production to reduce costs, reduce waste production, accelerate the market reaction speed to help enterprises in the competition more competitive on the hands, to increase profit space.

According to analysis of value flow, LB electrical products from the customers to the procurement of raw materials to manufacture and the whole process of transport of goods to the customer's information collection and comprehensive analysis. In the process of improvement, we can make the production lean and efficient through the elimination of waste, the improvement of the line balance, the JIT production and so on by using the IE's seven methods. Through these improvements can reduce the production cycle of LB electrical products, improve production efficiency, reduce costs, etc..

Keywords: value stream analysis; lean production; line balance improvement; JIT production


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的与意义 1

1.3研究内容与思路 2

2理论 2

2.1价值流图 2

2.1.1价值流图简介 2

2.1.2价值流的组成特点 5

2.1.3价值流分析—作用 5

2.1.4价值流绘制步骤 5

2.2精益生产 6 基于价值流分析的生产线优化以老板电器为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204070.html
