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时间:2024-07-09 21:34来源:95758




Service Quality Improvement of Express Industry Based on Quality Function Deployment

Abstract:The recently fast development of e-commerce has stimulated the development of express industry. Express industry has been providing great convenience to people and contributing considerably to the economy and society. However, the service quality of the express industry is not very satisfactory, and it has become a central agenda for express service providers to improve service quality. Research on methods that improve service quality of express service has certain significance.

This paper applies QFD theory studying the quality of express services. By interviewing representatives from certain express service providers,  the paper proposes a checklist of customer requirements. Using the Kano model, the paper classifies the listed costumer requirements, improves the weighting formula, finds the final weight of customer requirements, and finds the essential requirements which are with higher weighting formula. With the advanced model developed, the paper further converts the unquantifiable customer requirements into specific service checks and finds the essential service checks, using the House of Quality. The final section of this paper examines the case of STO Express Ltd. to testify the empirical validity and practicality of the proposed model.

Keywords:QFD; express service quality; Kano model; HOQ


0引言 1

1快递业现状 2

1.1快递行业发展历史 2

1.2快递服务质量现状 5

2QFD理论 7

2.1QFD研究与应用 7

2.2QFD基本原理 9

3基于QFD的快递服务质量改进模型的构建 11

3.1顾客需求确定阶段 11

3.2需求权重确定阶段 12

3.3快递服务要素展开阶段 13

4实证分析 14

4.1顾客快递服务需求获取 15

4.2顾客需求权重计算 16

4.3申通快递服务要素展开 19

结论 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

附录 27


20世纪八九十年代,改革开放政策得到推广,中国经济得到了发展,人民日益增长的生活需要促进了快递业的发展。短短三十年内,快递业在中国从零开始,发展迅速。今年年初,中国邮政管理局的数据显示:去年全国快递业务量共314亿件,同比增长52%;全年快递业务收入共4006亿元,同比增长45%。我国快递业在最近五年内的发展速度都高于50%,全球每年将近690亿件的快递业务量中,有314亿件都是中国完成的,中国已经可以称为名副其实的世界第一快递大国。 基于QFD的快递业服务质量改进研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204220.html
