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时间:2024-07-09 21:42来源:95760



The present situation and countermeasures of BAERMANN MAGNETS(SUZHOU)Co.Ltd. Logistics Department

Abstract:The rapid development of logistics directly affects the normal operation of enterprises, logistics enterprises can be excellent and stable production, regulate the production and sale of products balance, reduce the cost, is very important for enterprises to grow up, improve the market competitiveness of enterprises. However, there are many small  and medium-sized enterprise logistics departments in the development of the same time, there are still drawbacks, such as logistics operations inefficient, warehousing and other unscientific. According to BAERMANN MAGNETS(SUZHOU)Co. Ltd. for example, analysis of the current situation of the logistics department, the logistics department to find out the existing problems, analysis of the causes of the problems, combined  with  the specific circumstances of the company and the knowledge and proposes corresponding solutions, hope to provide some help for the development of logistics the traditional manufacturing enterprises.

Key words: enterprise logistics, logistics operation, warehousing

0引言 1

1贝尔曼磁电科技(苏州)有限公司物流部的由来与现状 2

1.1贝尔曼磁电科技(苏州)有限公司物流部的建成原因 2

1.2贝尔曼磁电科技(苏州)有限公司的现状 3

2.相关理论研究概述 5

2.1企业物流的基本概念 5

2.2企业物流的特征 6

2.3企业物流的主要内容 6

2.4国内外相关理论的研究 7

3.尔曼磁电科技(苏州)有限公司物流部存在的问题 9

3.1物流成本管理问题 9

3.2物流部工作人员问题 10

3.3物流硬件设施不足 11

3.4物流技术水平不高,管理体制不健全 11

3.5物流外包存在问题 12

4.解决贝尔曼磁电科技(苏州)有限公司物流部存在问题的对策 13

4.1控制并降低物流成本 13

4.2重视人才培养,合理运用员工 14

4.3补足物流硬件设施 15

4.4提高物流技术水平,健全管理体制 15

4.5提高物流外包的效率 17

结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 贝尔曼磁电科技公司物流部的现状与对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204223.html
