Research on Improvement of Production Site Based on IE
Abstract:As we all know,the workshop is where the companies creat value directly, It is also a collection of various factors,As we know,there are a lot of problems in the workshop, And these problems will also directly reflect the output rate of the product above, Site improvement method as a field management method, it analysis on people, machine, material, law, ring and other factors in the production toimprove. through the following steps:
(1) Research site improvement and IE related theories and methods
(2) The analysis of the status quo of the production line from the five elements of the production system: people, machine, material, law, ring start, analysis of the reasons leading to unbalanced production line, while finding the problem.
(3) The use of site improvement with the study of ie way to solve it
Key words:Site improvement; Line balancing; IE;
1.绪论 1
1.1. 论文研究背景 1
1.2. 论文研究意义 1
1.3. 论文研究目的 2
1.4.1. 国外现状研究 2
1.4.2. 国内现状研究 3
1.5. 研究内容与路线 4
2.相关理论研究 4
2.1. 现场改善 4
2.2. 工业工程(IE)理论和方法 5
2.2.1. 方法研究 5
2.2.2. 作业测定 6
2.3. 生产线平衡 7
2.3.1. 计算节拍TT 7
2.3.2. 计算工作地数量 7
2.3.3. 计算生产平衡率 8
2.4. 快速换产 8
3.基于J公司现场改善 9
3.1. 车间现场现状 9
3.2. 基于基础IE的生产线现场改善研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204160.html