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时间:2021-09-09 20:12来源:毕业论文



Operation management and optimization of wangda vehicle maintenance center

Abstract: Along with the economic development in recent years, the development of the automobile industry into the fast lane, urban residents living standards gradually improve and the pursuit of better quality of life, cars become many families first choose. With the matching auto service industry also arises at the historic moment, because our country automobile service industry started relatively late, weak management, the current situation of the auto industry is not optimistic. This article will focus on Wangda Vehicle maintenance center, analyze and optimize the current situation of production and operation management. It combined with the comprehensive analysis of the technical side and apply, the market as the background, the human-computer interaction as the main consideration, through the way of production operation management for data analysis and improvement of maintenance workshop process. While focusing on the process, it consider the particularity of service industry, optimize management mode and improve the operational efficiency of enterprises.

Keyword:Vehicle maintenance;Operation management;Human-computer interaction


引言 1

一、汽车维修行业运营管理现状及分析 2

(一)汽车维修行业简介 2

(二)汽车维修行业管理模式分析 4

(三)汽车维修行业研究现状分析 5

二、旺达高端汽车维修中心简介 7

(一)旺达高端汽车维修中心概况 7

(二)旺达汽修中心的经营现状分析 8

1.主营业务 8

2.选址分析 9

3.客户群体分析 9

三、旺达维修中心的板块设计及优化 11

(一)旺达维修中心的板块设计现状 11

1、前台接待区 11

2、日常维修车间 12

3、钣金烤漆车间 13

4、洗车车间 13

5、配件仓库 13

6、客户休息区 14

(二)旺达维修中心板块设计优化 16

1、旺达汽修中心车间布置优化设计 16

2、旺达汽修中心客户服务区优化设计 17

3、旺达汽修中心工作流程优化设计 18

四、旺达汽修中心车间操作流程及优化 旺达高端汽车维修中心运营管理现状及优化:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81501.html
