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时间:2021-09-09 19:02来源:毕业论文



An Empirical Study on the Performance of School - Enterprise Cooperative Course and Process Assessment Course

——A Case Study of Information Management Undergraduate Teaching in Our College

Abstract: Whether it is domestic or foreign, the reform of the educational model has been in the exploration. In order to cultivate more "professional" and "elite" graduates, there are lots of new curriculum models has been derived gradually in all kinds of institutions, in Which school-enterprise cooperation courses and process assessment courses are the most representative of these two teaching methods. This study is aimed at the information management profession of our school, carries on the questionnaire survey to the present situation of these two courses. The method of quantitative analysis of the collected data by SPSS analysis tool is used to make an empirical study on the performance of the two courses, and the relationship between the four types of factors and the performance of the curriculum implementation is verified. The purpose of this study is to provide new methods and ideas for the curriculum management of higher education institutions in our country,especially for the application of undergraduate institutions of personnel training has a positive significance.

Key words: School-enterprise Cooperation Courses; Process Assessment Course; Performance;Factors; Data Analysis

目  录

一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究背景分析 1

(二) 研究目的和意义 1

(三) 研究流程 2

二、 文献探讨 3

(一) 校企合作课程 3

1、校企合作基本概念 3

2、校企合作课程的相关应用研究 3

(二) 过程考核作课程 4

1、过程考核课程基本概念 4

2、过程考核课程的相关应用研究 5

(三) 绩效 5

1、绩效基本概念 5

2、绩效的相关应用研究 5

三、研究模型与假设 7

(一) 研究模型 7

1、自变量定义 8

2、因变量定义 9

(二) 研究假设 9

四、研究设计与方法 10

(一)问卷开发 10

1、问卷开发原则 校企合作课程及过程考核课程项目的实施绩效实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81481.html
