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时间:2021-09-09 18:58来源:毕业论文



Study on the Countermeasures of Lu an Guapian Green Tea  industry operating status analysis and development of Anhui province

Abstract:With the development of economy, the single way of tea industry, which is basically pick tea leaves, tea make and tea sales, is transforming to a new pattern with additional cultural value. Lu'an Guapian, known as the historical and cultural famous tea, has a good market prospect. Guapian industry is invested by local government to form a Green Tea cultural industry which is oriented by tea culture. And thus we can achieve the unification of economic value and culture value. This paper combines theoretical analysis with field investigation, and explored the development of cultural industry Green Tea Guapian model based on the study of domestic and foreign literatures and related professional knowledge. Thus the paper made a theoretical analysis of the current operation situation and characteristics of the industry of industrial product and find existing problems in the development of industrial product Green Tea. At last, practicability suggestions were proposed after success models of other green tea industries were learned.

Keywords: Brand;cultural tourism;originality;inheritance and preservation


一、引言 1

 (一) 研究背景和意义 1

 (二) 文献综述 1

二、安徽六安瓜片绿茶文化产业的概述 2

 (一) 瓜片绿茶文化产业的经济价值 2

 (二) 瓜片绿茶文化产业的文化价值 2

三、安徽六安瓜片绿茶文化产业运营现状 3

 (一) 瓜片绿茶文化产业的现状概述 3

 (二) 瓜片绿茶文化产业开发的特点 4

   1. 传承性 4

   2. 地域性 4

 3. 紧迫性 4

 4. 独特性 4

 (三)安徽六安瓜片绿茶文化产业存在的问题 5

   1. 品牌影响力不足 5

   2. 文化旅游开发的问题 5

   3. 产业创新不明显 6

四、安徽六安茶片绿茶文化产业发展的对策和建议 6

 (一) 打造特色瓜片文化产业品牌 6

 (二) 发展瓜片绿茶文化旅游业 7 安徽六安瓜片绿茶产业运营现状分析及发展对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81478.html
