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时间:2021-09-09 18:46来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:移民;  外联出国;  营销策略;  产品;  价格 

ABSTRACT Along with the development of the social economy, the spending habits of people moved towards personalization, consumer products began to migrate to high-end, immigration became common. Immigration industry, it means new opportunities and challenges. How new marketing method to get rid of homogenization of products and management trends, seize new market opportunities and to gain an advantage in the competition, every business needs to solve the problem. Immigration from China is throughout the industry, competition between migration agents is growing, and this is the emigration topic worthy of study which immigrants on how to understand consumer needs and how to face up to its problems in marketing better, and to develop more comprehensive immigration services marketing strategies.

This article selects industry leader brand-WAILIAN GROUP of Chinese immigrants, as a case study from the brand's marketing environment, through the 7P model to analyze the marketing strategy of WAILIAN GROUP services. Besides, the article is pided into six parts, including part IV and part V focuses on content. I hope this research can help WAILIAN GROUP improve the company's marketing system further, enhance its brand image in the minds of consumers, and also for research on marketing strategy for immigration to provide more guidance.

Key words:Immigrant;  WAILIAN GROUP;  Marketing strategy;  Product;  Prices 


摘要 I


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 2

(三)研究内容 3

(四)研究方法 3

1、数据采集法 3

2、市场调查法 3

3、文献查阅法 3

二、外联出国的营销环境分析 4

(一)外联出国企业简介 4

(二)宏观外部环境(PEST) 4

1、政治环境(Political) 4

2、经济环境(Economic) 5

3、社会环境(Social) 6

4、技术环境 (Technological) 6

(三)消费者行为分析 外联出国服务营销策略研究+PEST+SWOT+STP:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81472.html
