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时间:2019-01-02 20:26来源:毕业论文

An Analysis on the influencing factors of Yogurt Preference in Nanjing residents
Abstract: In this paper, through interviews with 200 supermarket consumers in three large supermarket chains in Nanjing, this paper analyzes the factors influencing Nanjing residents'  yogurt consumption preferences by analyzing the questionnaire data with applying factor analysis and Probit sorting model. The results show that the price of yogurt associated with the income of the consumers, the different kinds of yogurt flavor, the advertising effect and the promotion means have a significant effect on the preference of the Nanjing residents to buy yogurt. In addition, based on the consumer social and economic factors, the consumer's income Level and educational level of its yogurt consumption preferences are also significant. The results of this study for the dairy enterprises to deal with the market trend of consumption of yogurt and the main influencing factors to develop appropriate strategies to enhance the competitive advantage, so as to yogurt consumption and yogurt industry to provide a scientific reference.
Key words: yogurt; consumer preference; influencing factors; Nanjing residents
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
前言    1
一、研究背景及现状分析    2
(一)酸奶消费选择研究背景    2
(二)酸奶现状分析及发展趋势    3
二、理论模型、变量及数据    4
(一)理论模型    4
(二)调查问卷设计    4
2.1问卷内容    4
2.2样本选择    5
2.3样本统计分析    5
三、实证分析    7
(一)问卷可靠性和有效性的判定    7
(二)因子分析    7
(三)Probit排序选择    7
四、主要结论与讨论    9
五、政策建议    10
致谢    11
参考文献    12
附录一    13
2016年8月26日,中国奶业20强(D20)峰会暨奶业振兴大会在河北石家庄举行,农业部部长韩长赋在大会上再次强调:一杯牛奶强壮一个民族,要实现2020年全面建设小康社会的目标,我国民族奶业的振兴发展就是其一个重要衡量指标。牛奶是从人类与生俱来在自然世界获取的最有价值的食物,特别是伴随着新世纪的到来,衡量一个国家经济水平和国民生活水平的一项重要指标就是牛奶的消费水平。自2008年严重的三聚氰胺事件以来,推动振兴奶业计划的实施成为我国一项非常艰巨的任务,通过将近10年的奋发图强,终于取得了显著的成效,我国乳制品质量安全和品质保证都得到了大幅度提升,直观体现在国内乳制品需求量的不断上涨,可见我国未来奶业市场一片光明,2017年1~4月全国乳制品产量超900万吨,同比增长1.5%,乳制品消费市场会不断扩大并趋于成熟,未来世界上最大的乳制品消费市场将在中国。 南京市民对酸奶偏好的影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_28595.html