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时间:2019-01-27 21:04来源:毕业论文

然而,近十年间,三星手机品牌实现破茧腾飞,2005年更是以149亿美元的品牌价值位列“全球100个最有价值品牌”排行榜第20位,一举超越日本索尼(SONY)(108亿美元排名第28位),成为全球电子消费品第一品牌,2007年三星的销售额达1000亿美元。 33162
关键词  三星   品牌营销  市场营销
毕业论文外 文 摘 要
Title    Samsung brand marketing analysis                    
A little-known former cheap "popular and dependable", in just 10 years became the world's leading brands, Samsung (samsung) created the myth to the whole world marvel!
10 years ago, Samsung is still cheap in the eyes of the West to spread the goods.
However, among nearly a decade, the Samsung brand to achieve cocoon off, 2005 is $ 14.9 billion more in brand value among the "world's 100 most valuable brands" list No. 20, one stroke ahead of Japan's Sony (SONY) (108 No. 28 one hundred million US dollars), becoming the world's first consumer electronics brand, Samsung's 2007 sales of $ 100 billion.
Samsung no doubt become a leading mobile phone brand industry. What makes Samsung developed so quickly?
    From brand marketing for Samsung brand research and analysis through to brand marketing, marketing, use, and Samsung mobile marketing behavior analysis, as well as a number of literature research, Samsung's brand marketing will gradually portrayed. Samsung implementation obtained using superior brand strategy, the pretext of event marketing "campaign" products, quality victory rather than price and other methods to win a "cheap spread the goods" to develop into a world's most valuable brands. For Chinese enterprises, through the road no doubt Samsung brings us a lot of inspiration and reference.
Keywords  Samsung Brand Marketing Marketing
目   次 
1  绪论  1
1.1  研究背景及提出问题  1
1.2  研究的目的与意义  1
2  品牌的相关理念  3
2.1  品牌的概  3
2.2  品牌的价值  3
2.3  品牌的竞争力  4
2.4  品牌营销定位  4
3  三星手机品牌介绍  5
3.1  三星手机品牌概述  5
3.2  三星远景与使命  5
3.3  品牌定位  5
3.4  品牌文化  6
3.5  品牌形象  7
3.6  品牌价值   10
4  三星手机品牌营销分析 11
4.1  确立“引领数字融合革命”的品牌愿景 11
4.2  品牌战略的有力执行   11
4.3  塑造产品的领导性   12
4.4  赞助奥运盛会,提升品牌价值  13 三星手机品牌营销分析+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30086.html