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时间:2019-03-09 14:35来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  高校与社区  互动  关系重塑  
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title      Embedded community and universities management-reshaping research about university and community relations
With the development of social economy, the relationship between the university and community is also in constant progress, and the interactive relationship between them has also been a popular topic of discussion at home and abroad. This paper also discussed from the perspective of social interaction of universities and community relations, proposed the conclusion that the reshaping of the social interaction is the reshaping of concept, and the reshaping of mechanism. This paper is given priority to point out that the domestic social relations between the university and community is separation mode.It also shows the theory and realistic basis why school wants to build good social relations. Than from three angles of the interactive fields, ways, as well as the existing problems and their causes, it analyzes the present domestic interaction situation. After the comparative analysis of the case of Nanjing University of Science and Technology and the University of Brighton , it found that the domestic social interaction is really  not mature, but the choices of Chinese colleges also has its causes. At last, it advice to establish mechanisms and deepen cooperation to reshaping and developing the social relations between the school and community.
Keywords  universities and communities, interaction, reshape the relationship
目   次
1  绪论  1
1.1  研究的背景及意义  1
1.2  国内外的研究现状  1
1.3  主要研究内容与方法  2
2  高校与社区互动关系重塑的理论基础与现实依据  3
2.1  高校与社区的互动关系  3
2.1.1  社区嵌入的基本内涵  3
2.1.2  高校与社区关系的主要模式  3
2.2  高校与社区互动的理论基础  4
2.2.1  社会互动理论  4
2.2.2  服务学习理论  4
2.3  高校与社区互动的现实依据  5
3  高校与社区的互动情况  6
3.1  高校与社区互动的领域  6
3.1.1  影响区域制度决策  6
3.1.2  影响区域经济发展  6
3.1.3  影响区域文化建设  6
3.2  高校与社区互动的方式  7
3.2.1  课程实习  7
3.2.2  志愿者服务  8
3.2.3  软硬件资源共享  8
3.3  高校与社区互动中存在的问题及其成因  9
3.3.1  高校与社区对双方互动关系的认识不够  9
3.3.2  高校与社区的互动共享机制尚未真正形成  9
3.3.3  高校与社区的互动保障机制不健全  10
4  高校与社区互动的案例分析——南京理工大学和布莱顿大学的比较  11 高校管理与社区嵌入研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30949.html