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时间:2019-06-26 19:54来源:毕业论文

Research on the choice of female college students' employment destination:
A dual perspective based on gender and family background
Abstract:Since the introduction of the college enrollment expansion policy, the employment problem of college students has become increasingly prominent. The most important problem faced by college students in employment choice is the choice of employment areas. Female college students, as a group of female employment with higher human capital reserves, have already exceeded the number of male college students since 2007. But the female college students in the employment process, more easily influenced by the policy of employment discrimination in labor markets and countries, while the employment choice of female college students is influenced by traditional social values and the one-child policy, may be different from the male graduates in the employment destination choice. Based on the employment situation and employment policy of carding, drawing lessons from domestic and international relevant research results of college students especially the female college students' employment destination selection, data were collected through a questionnaire, the dual perspective of differences in gender and family background, thinking about the factors affecting the employment destination choice of female college students, put forward the corresponding policy advice.
Key words: Female college students;Employment destination;Gender factor;Family background difference
目  录

摘要    3
关键词    3
Abstract    3
Key words    3
引言    3
一、相关文献综述    4
(一)关于大学生就业目的地选择的研究    4
1.就业地选择倾向    4
2.个人特征与大学生就业地选择    4
3.家庭社会经济背景    4
(二)关于女大学生就业选择的研究    5
(三)已有的研究成果和发展方向    5
二、 理论与背景    5
1.人口迁移的推拉理论    5
2.二元制劳动力市场分割理论    6
3.人力资本理论    6
4.社会资本理论    6
三、研究方法与调查对象    6
(一)研究方法    6
1.数据收集的方法    6
2.文献研究法    6
3.对比研究法    7
(二)调查对象    7
四、调查结果与实证分析    8
(一)性别差异角度的实证分析    8
1.基于性别差异的在校大学生就业目的地选择    8
2.基于性别差异的在校大学生毕业后就业单位选择与薪资认可度    9
3.基于性别差异的在校大学生对于到经济欠发达的中西部地区工作的认知    10 性别与家庭背景差异的双重视角女大学生就业目的地选择研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_35200.html