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时间:2017-03-01 22:30来源:毕业论文

关键词: 体验式营销;顾客满意度;电子产品体验店
The relationship
between experiential marketing and customer satisfaction
Abstract: We lived in a society of Experience Economy. Experiential Marketing resulted from it. At the same time, it became a new subject under discussion that how to use experiential marketing to increase the level of customer satisfaction. On that account, the paper presented the relationship between experiential marketing and customer satisfaction and show the effect from experiential marketing to customer satisfaction, started from the data of the research for the relationship in LiXinHengXin company in Jiexiu, Shanxi. Based on the data, we get the results, like follows: First, on the basis of “experiential marketing” Schmitt, the influencing factors that can influence customer satisfaction are sense, feel, think, art, relate. Then, think and art can increase the level of customer satisfaction by a wide margin in experiential electronic shop. At last, sense, feel, and relate have small effect on increasing the level of customer satisfaction. Based on the study, Enterprises can complete the mode of experiential marketing, and get high customer satisfaction, increase profit, get more customers.
Keywords: experiential marketing; customer satisfaction; electronical experiential shop
引言    1
1.体验式营销相关理论研究    2
1.1 体验经济    2
1.2 体验式营销的内涵和应用    2
1.21 感官营销    3
1.22 情感营销    3
1.23 思考营销    4
1.24 行动营销    5
1.25 关联营销    5
1.3 研究的必要性    6
2.国内外研究综述    6
2.1 国外研究综述    6
2.2 国内研究综述    7
3.体验式营销与顾客满意度的关系研究    9
3.1 顾客满意度的调查方法和技术    9
3.2 立新恒信科贸有限公司对体验式营销的应用    10
4. 顾客满意度调查分析研究    11
4.1 立新恒信科贸有限公司的顾客满意度调查分析    11
4.2 存在的问题与对策    14
4.3 方案建议    15
5 结论    16
参考文献    16
致谢    18
随着现代社会的不断进步与发展,现代经济在经历了农业经济,工业经济,服务经济以后,开始进入到全新的体验经济时代。现代生产力不断增长,产品资源愈来愈丰富,商业市场开始转入到高度的买方市场,人们对于商品的认识开始摆脱传统的质量,外观,价格等因素,转入到一种情感式的认知上,从最初通过简单的产品属性对比来挑选产品,转入到通过消费过程中的个人感受来选择消费。与此同时,顾客满意度受到了前所未有的重视,而体验式营销也开始进入到企业视线内。这种全新的销售模式来自于企业对于体验经济的认识和改变。企业认识到只有利用自己的产品作为道具,来取悦消费者才能够达到让消费者满意的程度,这种围绕消费者展开的营销模式就是体验式营销。 体验式营销与顾客满意度的关系营销:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_3620.html