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时间:2019-08-04 11:16来源:毕业论文

Study on the treatment and prevention of labor disputes in Enterprises
Abstract:Market economy developing, the social and economic factors that have a bearing on the labor relations are becoming more and more complicated
In recent years, the number of cases related to labor disputes has continued to rise, which greatly hindered the growth of enterprises and social stability. Especially in the current stage of China's economic transition, enterprises need to face more and more complex issues related to labor disputes, which is the environment faced by enterprises. On the enterprise, the enterprise human resources management problems is one of the important causes of labor disputes, mainly in the enterprise management is not standardized, the recruitment process is not careful, the management of labor relations is not specific, performance management is not reasonable, compensation management can not meet the labor value. In order to effectively prevent labor disputes, enterprises should start from the above aspects. Reorganize the relationship between the six modules of human resource management in order to cope with the changing labor disputes.
Key words: Labor dispute ;Enterprise human resource management ;Preparation
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
引言    2
一、文献综述及相关对策研究…. 2
(一)相关概念    2
(二)现阶段我国劳资关系分析    2
(三)国内外对策研究综述    2
1.规范劳动合同的签订    2
2.注重劳动者的自身价值    3
3.提升企业调节人员的专业技术水平    3
4.借鉴国内外劳动争议处理经验    4
二、劳动争议现状及原因分析    4
(一)劳动争议现状分析    4
(二)劳动争议原因分析    5
(三)劳动争议处理现状    5
1仲裁效度低于人民法院诉讼    5
2工会文权未发挥作用    5
3仲裁机构行政化    5
四、企业处理劳动争议存在的问题    6
(一)招聘用人上面存在的问题    6
(二)劳动合同签订存在的问题    6
(三)绩效管理存在的问题    7
(四)薪酬管理中存在的问题    7
五、企业防范劳动争议的对策    7
(一)企业规范细化招聘工作    8
1.把好劳动争议的入口    8
2.严格设置试用期    8
(二)加强劳动合同管理    8
1.签订合同应注意细节管理    8
2.劳动合同续订、变更与解除    8
(三)制定透明、人性化的绩效管理    9
(四)制定更加合理的薪酬体系    9 企业中劳动争议处理和防范的研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_36868.html