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时间:2019-08-17 16:13来源:毕业论文

Abstract:This paper takes Shandong city of Jining as an example, through the analysis of the current situation and utilization of water resources in Jining City, water resources in Jining city were optimized. Taking 2015 as base year in 2020 for the design, planning and forecasting, the research includes the following aspects: the introduction, the present situation of water resources in Jining city of sustainable utilization of water resources in Jining city approach, forecast of Jining water resources allocation under the balance of supply and demand situation and measures of water resources protection, based on the city. The main conclusions of this study are: (1) the current, the basic balance between supply and demand of water resources in Jining City, water resources utilization distribution is not balanced, the use of water resources, extensive water use efficiency is not high, the deterioration of water environment have become increasingly prominent, some industrial enterprises and large amount of aquatic products, the waste of water resources. (2) with the passage of time, water shortage will continue to expand, should actively strengthen water-saving awareness of the whole society, improve the relevant laws and regulations, provide legal protection for the development and utilization of water resources. (4) the sustainable utilization of water resources in Jining city should be done: the rational allocation of water resources, strengthen the construction and management of water storage facilities, improve the construction of water-saving society system, water quality monitoring and normalization, strengthen the management of water function zones.
Keywords: water resources; supply and demand analysis; sustainable utilization; Jining City
1前言    1
2.济宁市水资源利用现状分析    1
2.1济宁市概况    1
2.2济宁市水资源结构    2
2.3水资源利用现状    4
2.4水资源利用存在问题    5
3.济宁市水资源供需平衡预测    6
3.1需水预测    6
3.2供水预测    7
3.3供需平衡预测    8
4.济宁市水资源可持续利用对策    8
5结论    10
参 考 文 献    11
      我国水资源的现状是总量严重短缺,不同年份降水量差异明显,水资源南北分布极不平衡。当前,我国北方许多地区现存水资源以远远不能满足正常生产生活的需要,部分地区甚至发生生产生活用水供应困难甚至断水的现象。水环境的不断恶化已经成为制约我国国民经济可持续发展的主要因素之一。因此,加强对水资源的供需平衡和可持续利用研究,有助于切实了解我国当前水资源的供需现状,为相关政策和意见的出台实施提供有益的参考;有助于水资源规划管理主管部门加强水资源管理和调控的忧患意识,多渠道、多方面扩宽供水途径,合理分配与优化水资源供应,提高水资源的利用率[1];有助于减小环境的压力,改善人民群众的生产和生活环境,缓解国家因水资源短缺和污染而造成的经济建设压力,显著提升经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。 基于供需预测的济宁市水资源可持续利用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_37553.html