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时间:2019-08-17 17:57来源:毕业论文

The online shopping is growing rapidly, it has changed the daily life of consumers, and also subvert the offline business model. In 2013, the sum of online sales is 1.8851 trillion yuan, an increase of 42.8% over 2012, according to this growth, 2014 is expected to reach 2.7861 trillion yuan.
A serious threat to traditional offline retail electricity supplier suffered online, Internet marketing is different from traditional sales channels, lower operating costs bring online retailers big advantages, this way becomes the first choice of consumers. Thus, many traditional retailers seek to change, starting a business transformation.
This article views in the traditional home appliance industry, traditional home appliance retailer should seek proper way to change the original sales, focusing on the transition process to explore the inevitable trend and analysis the results of research in transition. This article is based on the theory of Consumer Behavior, firstly, expound the development process of traditional home appliance retailers. Secondly analyze the reasons for its transformation and inevitable trend of e-commerce. Thirdly, compare the exemple of Gome and Suning, then put forward own proposals. The traditional home appliance retailer should insisted transformation strategy, and actively develop e-commerce, while improving the profitability of a single store, continuing to integrate all the resource, ensuring the establishment of "double line marketing "business model.
KeyWords: Traditional Home Appliance Retailer;Consumer Behavior; Transformation and Developpment of Industries.
一、绪论    1
(一)研究的背景    1
(二)研究的目的和意义    1
1、研究的目的    1
2、研究的意义    2
(三) 研究的对象和范围    2
(四)研究的方法    2
(五)研究的基本框架    2
二、相关理论与文献综述    4
(一)相关概念和理论回顾    4
1、相关概念    4
2、理论回顾    4
(二)文献综述    5
三、传统家电零售市场发展现状、困境与转型    6
(一)传统家电零售市场发展现状    6
1、多渠道竞争格局    6
2、2011年起出现负增长    6
3、家电零售商寻求产业转型升级    7 消费者行为视角下传统家电零售商转型及发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_37605.html